Chic & Sweet Lingerie Shower

My best friend is getting married a week after the shower I gave her (last night) so I have been crunched for time on giving her the best shower/bachelorette party I can! (I found out she was getting married a couple weeks ago...).
My thoughts were to have a simple, chic and sexy intimate shower with close friends at my home. Katrin's favorite color is purple so I themed the shower around purple, black and white. Her soon to be hubby and her are not registered anywhere and are having an intimate wedding with just the 2 of them on the beach so they really didn't want gifts. I figured the perfect gift from her guests would be lingerie. So thats what the shower was!

I designed her invitations using black envelopes, black cardstock, purple/white zebra printed ribbon and white cardstock. I printed the invite on the white cardstock and did a tear effect around the outer edges. I glued the top portion onto the black cardstock and glued the ribbon on the card. As a finishing touch... after addressing the envelopes I sprayed a hint of perfume on each. Vola!

The shower was held at my house, invited were 12 close friends and family members which only 8 came but it still was a great time!
The appetizers served were meatballs, artichoke & spinach dip with crackers and a yummy array of Bento's sushi rolls. (The brides favorite, yum!)
For drinks I made Champagne and pink lemonade. The wine glasses were presented with a black sugar rim for presentation, but were soon removed once we found out after the bride took the first sip that her lips were purplish/black. lol. At least the colors stayed with the theme.

We played our first "child friendly" game (since Katrin's future step daughter was with us the first half) which was the famous cotton ball game. All you need is 2 large bowls, a large serving spoon, cotton balls and a blindfold. Taking turns each guest is blind folded and with one hand behind their back they need to spoon as many cotton balls into the empty bowl as fast as they can in 15 seconds. It was a nice ice breaker for the 1st game and everyone messed with the cotton bowls once they started to get full.
This is an idea I had from previously shopping at the grocery store weeks before but now that I was buying the food for the shower the Publix (I don't usually go to) didn't have it... bummed (and I was not going to check each Publix for this item) Even though I'm not able to show you my idea... picture this and hopefully it works for you! Have you ever seen the pink Hostess (brand) Snowballs? I thought they would make cute little bras for the lingerie shower...all you need to do is add 2 black/white pipe cleaners (from a craft store) as the bra straps and a black millinery rose with a rhinestone in between for accent, then put them on a pretty platter or on each place setting (could also be your name tags). I thought it was a super cute idea if Publix only had the darn things! Maybe next time.... if you make the idea post me your pictures!

I had a sit down dinner. Chicly presented with a black tableclothe, purple tulle and silver candle accents throughout the center of the table.
The centerpiece was a small glass vase (you can't see) within the big vase and black/white thongs. I accented the vase with a purple ribbon.
Crystal ice and diamonds were scattered around the table for my chic look. Each place setting were silverware wrapped in either black or purple napkins (on the left) and plastic clear dinner plates that were decorated with black/white scrapbook paper glued from underneath.
Candles were everyone in the house for the sexy intimate look
I planned a light menu of balsamic mixed salad with orange & red peppers, eggs, cucumbers and homemade balsamic vinegar dressing.
Another Brides favorite meal :)
Avacado boats filled with chicken salad and paprika sprinkled for presentation
I got fresh loaf bread that I cut into little Stillehetto's (cookie cutter) and browned them in the oven (you can also make them into garlic points).

After dinner and the little one went home with her daddy we played the 2 games which weren't child friendly. I came up with this game... don't laugh but I filled a condom with gum balls which we had a guessing game of how many gum balls were in it.
Then... with the gumball filled condom I made everyone stand in a circle and pass the the "penis" between their legs. It was a lot of fun and actually quite hard to do. There were lots of giggles :)
If you have more people at your shower then I would suggest having 2 and make it a race.

This game was simple and also interesting! I bought mini playdohs in various colors (6 pack from the dollar store) Each guest received a container and had 5 minutes to make their best penis. As you can see below we had lots of different kinds of penis's, lol.
Next the bride to be opened her presents. As you can see she got lots of goodies... a book called "Inter Courses" its a aphrodisiac cookbook, pink vibrator and lots of lingerie!
After each lingerie piece that she received as a gift, I hung a clothes line in my living room and hung each item on the line for everyone to see :)
This finalized Katrin's Lingerie shower which was a success! Hope you enjoyed it and got lots of good ideas :)

Great job! I love the snowball idea!!!
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